Pada suatu hari ada seorang penjahat yang tewas tertembak.
Si iblis pun langsung membawanya ke neraka.
Betapa terkejutnya saat penjahat itu melihat ada taman bunga, artis-artis top, dan semuanya itu dapat dinikmati secara gratis. saat hendak masuk, penjahat itu dihadang oleh iblis.
"Waktumu belum tiba. Akan kukirim kembali kamu ke dunia dan berbuatlah lebih jahat lagi maka saat kau kembali kesini, tempat ini akan lebih indah"
Penjahat itu pun kembali ke dunia dan mati tertembak lagi setelah melakukan kejahatannya. Saat kembali ke neraka, dia sangat terkejut. Yang dia lihat adalah bara api dan terdengar jeritan-jeritan di dalamnya.
"Lho kemana taman bunga yang kemarin? Tanya penjahat.
"Ow....yang kemarin itu bulan promosi" jawab iblis sambil tertawa.
One day there was a criminal who was shot dead.
The devil was immediately brought him to hell.
What a surprise when criminals see any flower garden, top artists, and everything that can be enjoyed for free. when they want to enter, criminals were confronted by the devil.
"Your time has not yet come. I'll send you back into the world and did according even worse then when you come back here, this place will be beautiful"
Criminals returned to the world and been shot again after the crime. When he returned to hell, he was very surprised. What he saw was the embers and heard the screams inside.
"Why the flower garden where yesterday? Ask criminals.
"Ow .... yesterday it in the promotion of" the devil replied, laughing.
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