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Selasa, 11 Agustus 2015


....Kamu telah menerima Roh yang menjadikan kamu anak Allah. Oleh Roh itu kita berseru: "ya Abba, ya Bapa!" [Roma 8:15]

Bilquis Sheikh menuliskan kisah hidupnya dalam buku / Dared to Call Him Father. "Aku tiba-tiba menyadari bahwa Dia mendengarkanku. sama seperti bapaku di dunia mendengarkanku....Tiba-tiba aku merasa ada orang lain yang hadir di situ. Dia ada di situ. Aku bisa merasa hadirat-Nya....Aku merasa seperti gadis kecil yang duduk dipangkuan Bapanya, "demikian ia menulis. Kenyataan bahwa ia bisa memanggil Allah dengan sebutan Bapa membawa Bilquis merasa kasih-Nya yang luar biasa.

Rasul Paulus, dalam suratnya kepada jemaat di Roma juga membukakan betapa luar biasanya hal ini. Ia menulis bahwa orang-orang kristiani yang dipimpin oleh Roh Allah adalah anak-anak Allah, dan sebagai anak, kita memanggil-Nya dengan sebutan Bapa. Perhatikanlah berkat Bapa bagi anak-anak-Nya. Pertama kita diberi kemampuan untuk mematikan perbuatan-perbuatan daging. Itu artinya kita diberi kesanggupan untuk menolak dosa, berkata tidak terhadap cobaan. Kedua, kita tidak lagi menerima roh perbudakan yang membuat kita takut. ketiga, kita adalah ahli waris dari janji-janji Allah. Berkat-berkat yang hebat dari Bapa yang hebat!

Seberapa sering kesadaran bahwa kita punya Bapa di surga mewarnai kehidupan kita sehari-hari? Kerap kita mengalah pada dosa, berputar-putar dalam ketakutan dan kekhawatiran hidup di dunia. Kita perlu lebih sering mengingat identitas kita sebagai anak Allah. Dan, biarlah rasa hormat dan sukacita mengalir deras di hati setiap kali secara sadar kita memanggil-nya sebagai Bapa.



.... You have received a spirit that makes you a child of God. By that Spirit we cry out: "Abba, Father!" [Romans 8:15] 

Bilquis Sheikh write his life story in a book / Dared to Call Him Father. "I suddenly realized that he was listening to. The same as my father's listening to me .... Suddenly I felt there were other people who were there. He was there. I could feel his presence .... I feel like a little girl sitting lap Father, "he wrote. The fact that he can call God as Father brings Bilquis feel His love is incredible. 

The Apostle Paul, in his letter to the Romans also open how extraordinary it is. He wrote that the Christians were led by the Spirit of God are children of God, and as children, we call Him as Father. Consider thanks to the Father for His children. First we were given the ability to turn off the deeds of the flesh. That means that we are given the ability to resist sin, say no to temptation. Second, we no longer receive the spirit of slavery that makes us afraid. Third, we are heirs of God's promises. Great blessings of the Father which was great! 

How often the awareness that we have a Father in heaven coloring our daily lives? Often we succumb to sin, circling in fear and worries of life in the world. We need more frequent considering our identity as children of God. And, let respect and joy flowing in the heart consciously every time we invoke her as the Father. 


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