"Hai suami-suami, kasihilah isterimu dan jangan berlaku kasar terhadap dia." Kolose 3:19
Ketika masih berpacaran, tentunya akan sangat mudah untuk bersiap sopan dan lembut kepada pasangan. Hal ini disebabkan kita mau memberikan yang terbaik bagi pacar dan tidak mau terlihat buruk/negatif di hadapannya.
Tetapi ketika masuk ke dalam pernikahan, biasanya semua sikap aslinya akan keluar, banyak pasangan suami-isteri yang kaget melihat pasangannya, yang sebelum merupakan orang yang paling lembut sedunia, ternyata merupakan orang yang paling kasar sedunia. Tentunya hal ini bertentangan dengan Firman Tuhan.
Seorang suami harus belajar menghargai isterinya. Tidak hanya pada awal pernikahan saja, tetapi seiring dengan perjalanan waktu, seorang suami harus semakin lembut terhadap isterinya. Dia harus belajar mengerti perasaan isterinya. Dia harus belajar untuk bersikap lebih sabar terhadap isterinya. Dia harus belajar untuk mendengar suara isterinya.
Suami harus menghargai perkataan dari isterinya. Suami juga harus sabar jika isterinya melakukan kesalahan. Bersikap lembutlah terhadap isteri.
Isterimu akan menjadi seperti pohon anggur yang subur di dalam rumahmu; anak-anakmu seperti tunas pohon zaitun sekeliling mejamu! Sesungguhnya demikianlah akan diberkati orang laki-laki yang takut akan Tuhan.
Tuhan Yesus Memberkatimu.
"Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them." Colossians 3:19
When I was dating, would be very easy to get polite and gentle to the couple. This is due to we want to give the best for the girlfriend and does not want to look bad / negative before him.
But when entering into marriage, usually all original attitude will come out, a lot of the couples were surprised to see her partner, who before was the most gentle of the world, turned out to be the most rugged in the world. Surely this is contrary to the Word of God.
A husband must learn to respect his wife. Not only at the beginning of the wedding, but with the passage of time, a husband should be more gentle with his wife. He must learn to understand the feelings of his wife. He must learn to be more patient with his wife. He must learn to hear the voice of his wife.
Husband should appreciate the words of his wife. Husband also be patient when his wife made a mistake. Being Gentle on the wife.
Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house; thy children like olive plants around your table! Behold, thus shall the man be blessed who fears the Lord.
The Lord Jesus bless you.
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