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Senin, 04 Mei 2015


Suatu hari Roni dan ayahnya berkendara menuju sebuah tempat dengan mengendarai mobil, Roni lah yang mengemudikan mobil tersebut. Di tengah perjalanan mereka, terlihat awan kelam menyelimuti langit dan angin kencang. Langit semakin gelap dan awan bertiup kencang kemudian turun hujan yang sangat lebat, badai itu begitu hebat. Terlihat beberapa kendaraan mulai menepi, Roni dengan wajah gelisah bertanya kepada ayahnya "Ayah apakah kita juga menepi?" "Teruslah mengemudi" jawab ayahnya dengan singkat. Roni terus mengemudi, angin semakin kencang dan pohon-pohon mulai tumbang suasana semakin menakutkan, terlihat mobil-mobil besar mulai menepi. Roni bertanya lagi kepada ayahnya "Ayah bagaimana ini?" tanyanya dengan resah. "Teruslah mengemudi" sahut ayahnya dengan terus melihat kedepan. Hujan semakin deras, jarak pandang semakin sulit untuk melihat dan angin begitu hebat mengguncang mobilnya.

Roni berusaha mengemudikan mobilnya dengan pelan, setelah beberapa kilometer cuaca mulai membaik dan hujan sudah berhenti dan akhirnya mereka sampai di daerah yang kering dan matahari bersinar. "Sekarang kalau kamu mau berhenti dan keluar silakan" Kata ayahnya sambil tersenyum. "kenapa sekarang?" tanya Roni heran. "Agar kau bisa melihat keadaan dirimu seandainya kamu berhenti di tengah badai". Roni pun keluar dari mobil dan melihat dibelakangnya badai terus berlangsung, ia teringat mobil-mobil yang berhenti disana. "JANGAN PERNAH BERHENTI WALAUPUN DI TENGAH BADAI"

Dalam menjalani hidup ini, kita selalu ditemani oleh Bapa sorgawi dan terus menyertai kita dalam kesulitan. Bapa memberikan kita tangannya untuk mendampingi kita. Sebesar apapun masalah anda, teruslah berjalan menghadapi itu karena ada Bapa yang mendampingi kita semua. Percayalah di depan sana terdapat cahaya dan suasana tenang yang menanti.

"Tanpa badai hidup kita tidak dapat memahami arti mengandalkan Tuhan dalam segala keadaan"

Tuhan Memberkatimu Selamanya.


One day Roni and his father drove to a place with driving, Johnson was the one who was driving the car. In the middle of their journey, seen dark clouds covering the sky and strong winds. The sky was getting dark and the clouds blew then a very heavy rain, the storm was so intense. Seen some vehicles began to pull over, Roni with anxious faces asks his father "Dad are we also pulled over?" "Keep driving" his father replied briefly. Roni kept driving, increasingly strong winds and fallen trees start getting scary atmosphere, visible big cars began to pull over. Roni asked again to his father "Dad how is this?" he asked nervously. "Keep driving" his father said to continue to look forward. Increasingly heavy rain, visibility is more difficult to see and the wind rocked the car so great. 

Roni trying drove by slowly, after a few kilometers the weather began to improve and the rain had stopped, and finally they reached the area that is dry and the sun is shining. "Now if you want to stop and get out please" her father said with a smile. "Why now?" Roni asked, surprised. "So you can see the state of you if you stop in the middle of the storm". Roni was out of the car and look behind the storm continues, he recalled cars stop there. "NEVER STOP EVEN AMID STORM" 

In this life, we are always accompanied by the heavenly Father and continue to be with us in trouble. Father, give us a hand to accompany us. For whatever your problem, keep going to face it because there is the Father who accompanied us all. Believe in the front there are light and quiet atmosphere that awaits. 

"Without the storms of life we ​​can not understand the meaning of relying on God in all circumstances" 

God bless you forever.

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