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Kamis, 12 Februari 2015


Pernah suatu hari ada seorang teman yang mengajak saya sharing, dia cerita tentang masalah dia. Di akhir cerita, dia minta saya mendoakannya. Dia ingin saya berdoa agar Tuhan meringankan sedikit bebannya. Saat itu saya sedikit heran, kenapa dia meminta seperti itu? Tidak yakinkah dia bahwa Allah sanggup mengangkat seluruh beban hidupnya?

Tidak jarang kita bersikap seperti teman saya tersebut. Terkadang kita lupa siapa kita, siapa Bapa kita. Ingat, kita memiliki Bapa yang sangat-sangat luar biasa, Dia Bapa yang besar, Dia pemilik semua kehidupan ini. Jangan hanya meminta sesuatu yang kecil, tapi mintalah sesuatu yang besar. Milikilah iman yang berani, bagi Tuhan tidak ada yang mustahil.

Jangan memiliki iman yang ragu-ragu, kita harus berani percaya bahwa Allah sanggup. Rasa ragu-ragu akan menjatuhkan kita. Seperti kisah Petrus yang berjalan diatas air. Ketika dia mulai ragu, takutlah dia dan mulai tenggelam. Begitu juga dengan kita, jika kita ragu, kita pun juga akan bernasib seperti Petrus. Memang kadangkala masalah kita terlihat sangat besar dan sukar di selesaikan, tapi ingat kita memiliki Allah yang lebih besar dari masalah kita. Mulailah melangkah bersama Dia. Milikilah iman yang besar!

"Maka Yesus menjawab dan berkata kepadanya: "Hai ibu, besar imanmu, maka jadilah kepadamu seperti yang kau kehendaki." Dan seketika itu juga anaknya sembuh.____Matius 15:28.


Once upon a time there was a friend who asked me to share, her story about her problems. At the end of the story, he asked me to pray for him. He wanted me to pray for God to lighten the load a little. At that time I was a little surprised, why did he ask that? He's not confident that God is able to remove the entire burden of his life?

Often we act like my friend. Sometimes we forget who we are, who our Father. Remember, we have a father who is very, very extraordinary, He's a great Father, He is the owner of all life. Do not just ask for something small, but ask for something big. Have faith that is bold, for God nothing is impossible.

Do not have faith in doubt, we must dare to believe that God is able. Sense of hesitation will drop us. As the story of Peter walking on the water. When he began to doubt, fear him and began to sink. So also with us, if we hesitate, we are also going to end up like Peter. Indeed, sometimes we look very big problem and hard to be solved, but remember we have a God who is greater than our problems. Begin to move with him. Have a great faith!

"Then Jesus answered and said to him:" O mother, great faith, then so be it unto you as you desire. "And immediately he recovered his .____ Matthew 15:28.

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