Saudaraku yang kekasih, aku berdoa, semoga engkau baik-baik dan sehat-sehat saja dalam segala sesuatu, sama seperti jiwamu baik-baik saja. - 3 Yohanes 1:2
Ada seorang peternak, berperawakan kuat dengan tinggi 180 cm. Ia seorang pekerja keras dan hidupnya pun keras. Ia selalu makan makanan apapun yang ia inginkan. Daging babi, susu dan telur untuk sarapan. Steak sapi, kentang dan sup daging untuk makan siang. Selain itu, ia juga merokok. Hidup itu menyenangkan sampai ia divonis penyakit mematikan: serangan jantung! kemudian ia lumpuh selama 4 tahun, sebelum serangan terakhir telak yang mematikan: maut, Contoh klasik seorang yang tidak peduli kesehatan! Sebenarnya ceritanya bisa sama sekali berbeda bagi si peternak.
Alkitab mencatat doa rasul Yohanes bagi para sahabatnya adalah agar mereka selalu dalam keadaan yang baik itu adalah kesehatan jiwa atau jasmani. Karena itu adalah bagian yang Tuhan sediakan bagi orang percaya. Bukan hanya sekedar menikmati kesehatan dan keadaan yang baik, tapi kita perlu untuk memilki jiwa dan tubuh yang sehat untuk dapat menjalani kehidupan yang efektif dan produktif.
Bagi mereka yang telah berkeluarga dan atau memiliki tanggungan, hasil kerja mereka sangatlah penting untuk dapat menyokong segala kebutuhan hidup dirinya dan orang-orang yang dikasihinya.
Jadilah bijak dengan tidak mengabaikan kondisi kesehatan jiwa dan tubuh kita sehingga kita dapat senantiasa maksimal. Dalam tubuh dan jiwa yang sehat terdapat peluang dan potensi untuk menghasilkan yang terbaik bagi Allah dan sesama.
Beloved, I pray that you may be fine and in good health in everything, just as your soul is fine. - 3 John 1: 2
There are a breeder, strong boned with 180 cm height. He is a hard worker and his life was hard. He always eat whatever he wanted. Pork, milk and eggs for breakfast. Beef steak, potato and bacon soup for lunch. In addition, he also smoked. Life is fun until he was convicted of deadly diseases: heart attack! then he was paralyzed for four years, before the deadly landslide last attack: death, a classic example of someone who does not care about health! Actually be a completely different story for the breeder.
The Bible records the apostle John's prayer for his friends is that they are always in good condition it is mental or physical health. Because it is part of God provides for believers. Not just enjoy good health and condition, but we need to have the soul and healthy body to be able to live a life that is effective and productive.
For those who are already married or have dependents, their work is very important to be able to support all the needs of her life and her loved ones.
Be wise to not ignore the condition of mental health and our bodies so that we can continue to maximum. In a healthy body and soul are the opportunities and the potential to produce the best for God and neighbor.
Beloved, I pray that you may be fine and in good health in everything, just as your soul is fine. - 3 John 1: 2
There are a breeder, strong boned with 180 cm height. He is a hard worker and his life was hard. He always eat whatever he wanted. Pork, milk and eggs for breakfast. Beef steak, potato and bacon soup for lunch. In addition, he also smoked. Life is fun until he was convicted of deadly diseases: heart attack! then he was paralyzed for four years, before the deadly landslide last attack: death, a classic example of someone who does not care about health! Actually be a completely different story for the breeder.
The Bible records the apostle John's prayer for his friends is that they are always in good condition it is mental or physical health. Because it is part of God provides for believers. Not just enjoy good health and condition, but we need to have the soul and healthy body to be able to live a life that is effective and productive.
For those who are already married or have dependents, their work is very important to be able to support all the needs of her life and her loved ones.
Be wise to not ignore the condition of mental health and our bodies so that we can continue to maximum. In a healthy body and soul are the opportunities and the potential to produce the best for God and neighbor.